Natural Law and The Will of God

The universe is governed by natural law. Natural law and the will of God are the same. The laws that govern life are expressions of the divine will. Everything in the universe is ordained by cosmic law or the will of God. The laws of nature are not arbitrary. They are fixed. They are not man-made laws. They are eternal laws. Natural law or the will of God prevails in the universe. God is the unseen conductor orchestrating the symphony of life.

In the Science of Being and the Art of living, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi says:

“All the innumerable decisions that are apparently the results of natural laws in the
process of evolution are the innumerable decisions of the almighty personal
supreme God at the head of creation. He governs and maintains the entire field
of evolution and the different lives of innumerable beings in the whole

Man is made in the image of God. Every human being has the inherent ability to live in harmony with the cosmic laws, in harmony with the will of God. There is ingrained in the consciousness of every human being a “cosmic computer” which enables us to intuitively compute right action, right modes of behavior. The “home of all the laws of nature” is encoded in human awareness, but in order to access it, consciousness must be awake inside. The conscious capacity of the mind must be expanded to encompass more than just the surface, active level of the thinking process. When the mind transcends and experiences the state of pure consciousness, one gains access to the home of all the laws of nature. Pure consciousness is a state in which the mind is fully awake within itself. It is awake to the deeper levels of knowledge the mind contains at its depths. Pure consciousness is the level on which communion with God becomes possible. This is the level on which spontaneous right action becomes possible. This is the level on which living life in harmony with natural law can become a living reality.

Nature and human nature are inseparable. Human nature is designed by natural law.
The laws of nature or the will of God protect, nourish and guide all expressions of life in their forward march on the path of evolution. By living in harmony with nature, we accelerate our evolution and enhance our development to higher states of consciousness. When one lives in harmony with natural law, one experiences more happiness, success and fulfilment of one’s desires. When one violates the laws of nature, problems, sickness and suffering result. Man has freedom to choose which path to take. But living in harmony with one’s inner wisdom, with the home of all the laws of nature, with the will of God is the path to finding lasting happiness and fulfilment in life.

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